Child or Young

It is the work with child or young as with all members who interact in the family, educational and social environment (parents, teachers, grandparents, etc.). The intervention with the child / adolescent is based on providing it with strategies and skills that will help them toimprove or overcome the presented problems. Family members and educators, however, are offered guidelines that help children to accept the treatment and to obtain even better results

The most common problems we work with are:

  • Behavioral disorders: disobedience, negativism, aggressiveness, jealousy, tantrums, etc.
  • Mood disorder: depression, sadness, mourning processes, etc.
  • Anxiety disorders and other associated disorders: generalized anxiety, panic attacks, separation anxiety (children who cannot tolerate away from parents), tics, fears, phobias, etc.
  • Eating disorder: problems eating habits, anorexia, bulimia, compulsive pica, etc.
  • Attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity disorder: problems with attention and concentration, impulse control, etc.
  • Relationship difficulties and adaptation: coping with separation and divorce, lack of social skills, increased self-esteem, problem solving, etc.
  • Resolution habits: sleep disturbances, enuresis and other disposal problems
  • Bullying